Representation and variation in substance-free phonology: A case study in Celtic

Here you will find some material related to my PhD thesis entitled Representation and variation in substance-free phonology, which I submitted to the University of Tromsø on 3rd August 2012 and which I successfully defended in a viva voce examination on 18th February 2013.

  • The official version of the thesis can be downloaded from Munin, the University of Tromsø’s institutional repository, here
    • You can download the LaTeX source code for the thesis here
    • There is an interview I did for the faculty’s web site (it is in Norwegian).
  • Here is the handout for the short presentation of the thesis’ main results that I had to do for the viva.
  • A Norwegian doctoral defence is accompanied by a ‘trial lecture’ (prøveforelesning) on a topic of the committee’s choosing. Here is the handout for mine, entitled Progress and problems in language revitalization: The Celtic languages.
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About me

I’m Pavel Iosad, and I’m a Professor in the department of Linguistics and English Language at the University of Edinburgh. ¶ You can always go to the start page to learn more.



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